Crawlspace and Attic Specialists

Fire Resistant Insulation

Fire-Resistant Insulation Services Done the Right way in Atlanta, Middle GA, Tennessee & Florida.

The Right Way To Go With Fire-Resistant Insulation

There are many things to consider when choosing the right insulation, and one very important characteristic is how well your insulation will stand up to fire. Keep in mind that not all insulation is created equal. Some materials are naturally fireproof, while others have been treated with fire retardant chemicals. Here’s are some of the insulation types we are proud to offer which are highly resistant to fire:

Fiberglass insulation is a great option if you’re looking for something that is naturally fire-resistant. However, it’s important to be cautious with batts that are backed with paper or foil. These materials can burn quickly.

residential insulation

Cellulose insulation, made from newspaper, is not as flammable as you might think. It is treated with fire retardants and has a Class 1 Fire Rating, meaning it will protect surfaces from the spread of flames. It can withstand temperatures up to 400°F.

Foam insulation has a high immunity to electricity and a heightened level of flame resistance. While it isn’t entirely fire-proof, it can still withstand a fair amount of heat before succumbing at 700°F.

spray foam insulation

Contact Rite Way for Fire-Resistant Insulation Services the Right Way

If you are looking for a safe solution for new insulation, give us a call. We’re happy to discuss the options that are available and help you decide which is the best type of insulation for you with fire safety in mind. Call Rite Way for insulation services done the right way, today!